Saturday, February 22, 2014

Jess's 21st and Stonehenge!

Yesterday was Jess's 21st birthday!!! So, me, her and Ilana went out to dinner and drinks at All Bar One and while the food was actually so good, the drinks were even better. Afterwards we came back to the flat and had cookie cake and more drinks. All of the Praed people who weren't busy writing papers came and it was a big ol' party :) We ended up at Koko's (a crazy cool venue with weird music) and had sooo much fun. I probably had more fun on her 21st than I'll have on mine haha. There's a good chance I'll be going back to the US on my birthday....hbd to me!

Today IFSA-Butler has a day trip planned to STONEHENGE! It's gonna be a hell of a day with very little sleep and a packed day but I'm super excited to finally see Stonehenge :)

Hopefully tonight I'll have my full Amsterdam post up (spoiler alert: it's gonna be a reallllyyyy long post, like Brussels) and if I'm feeling ambitious, the pictures from Stonehenge too

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