BRUSSELS IS AMAZING. I wish we stayed there for 3 nights instead of Amsterdam but before we went, everyone said Brussels was really boring. I can definitely see why people would say that but being there with 3 of your friends, with no definite plans and just running around was so much fun :)
When we got there on Friday, within 15 minutes of being in the city, I was pickpocketed and had my new wallet stolen :( Fortunately, the night before I had separated my money and credit cards into two separate wallets and so I ended up only losing about 30 pounds, 1 credit card, and just annoying cards to lose (like my student tube card, my UCL student ID, and drivers license).
On Saturday morning we paid a brief, VERY brief, visit to Halle Gate and its in the strangest area. It's in a fairly modern, residential area right outside of Brussels and then bam, there's this old looking rotund gate right in between some tall apartment buildings.
Afterwards, we headed towards the city because our hotel was in a shopping district (i think?) and about a 15 minute walk from the city center. On the way there we asked for directions and a very nice Brusselian lady told us to walk straight and take an elevator and we were like ok..... she clearly doesn't speak English, what on earth is she talking about?? Until.... we found out there actually was an elevator!
You literally need to take the elevator down into the city! We were probably 4-5 stories up. Probably one of the more bizarre, but still cool, things I've seen :)
The views from the top of the cliff area, before we took the elevator down
We had breakfast at this super chic, trendy cafe that was half cafe, half clothing/furniture retail.
the teas on the left!
smoked salmon bagel and vanilla latte :)
And when we walked into the city, we passed this ADORABLE English bulldog that was just hanging out in the doorway of a store. Naturally I approached to pet it and it was the most well-behaved puppy! Photos courtesy of Jess and edits courtesy of Laura :)
Hmmm what's that crowd over there?
tried to get some of the signs in. There was a speaker and everything
The big square at the center of the city
Prince Albert statue
Belgian waffle truck! They were everywhereeeee
We somehow wandered from one square into another square and then into a street full of museums. We walked around a bit and then headed for the subway to see the Atomium.
maybe the palace? we walked by super quick and I never figured out what it was
After a long subway ride and getting lost around the area and somehow walking into Little Europe.. we found the Atomium :)
it's the structure of a unit cell of an iron crystal!
Built in the 1950s for the World Expo and each little pod has two floors and you can go into each of them :) the bonds holding the atoms are also where the stairs/escalators to each pods are!
Views from the highest pod!
Little Europe haha
can see the city center from the top (green roofed building)
Model size
Chair and table exhibit...
what the inside of the balls look like :)
one of the many stairs/escalators between the "atoms"

Just making my way down a metallic bond with some trippy lights
crystal lattice :)
After going through all the "atoms" in Atomium we headed back to the center to a busier street with shops and touristy things.
inside of a shopping center
Then, we had a surprising 3 hour French dinner that we almost dine-and-dashed at because we couldn't understand French and he couldn't understand English. Oops again
Finalllly, we found the Grand Place (where the flower carpet is in the spring/summer) and the beautiful Brussels town hall-- it had started drizzling so some of my pictures are a little fuzzy, but the whole square was so pretty at night.
And, while browsing through tourist gift shops, we kept seeing a statue of a peeing boy and decided it must be culturally significant if it was on literally EVERY cup/magnet/key chain/shirt in every tourist store. So we went out to look for that too...
Yup. There he is. The famous Manneken Pis and he's maybe 1 foot tall... this statue and fountain was also so small and located on a completely random street corner next to some Belgian waffle vendors and tourist shops... not exactly what we were expecting haha
Apparently they dress him up on holidays too!
There he is...
Last but not least... we somehow fooled ourselves into thinking Haagen-Daz is a Belgian thing (it's not- Americans founded it in Brooklyn, like what?!) and we walked in to get some real Belgian ice cream. This Haagen-Daz was sit-down only with a menu and everything, it was so so so fancy. And.... we got kicked out of a Haagen-Daz for ordering only one thing so there's that... haha
A great way to end the night and MY FAVORITE EUROPEAN CITY to date! I love Brussels, Jess loves Brussels, Ilana and Laura love Brussels...go to Brussels!!!! Study abroad there! Live there:)
Donate to me/panda for my going-back-to-Brussels fund! :)
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