Sunday, February 2, 2014

Trafalgar Square & Chinese New Year

Today was the day that London celebrated Chinese New Year and it was supposed to be a huge event with parades, street performers (& everyone knows those Chinese street performers are sick xx), vendors, and performances.

Lazy sloths that we are, we woke up too late to see the parade at 10 AM and I ended up just going to Trafalgar Square with Laura & Ilana to see the afternoon performance there and the whole set-up was insane. There was security, the whole square was blocked off, a huge stage set up and there were sooo many people. For me, Chinese New Year has never been a huge event since the US doesn't throw super big parties (at least I've never been to one, haha) and at home we'd just have a nice dinner or watch a show...nothing big

Trafalgar Square was PACKED though. And not just with Chinese people! There were so many people there and the decorations, the vendors, and the stage all against the backdrop of the National Gallery and around the was amazing :)

 stage that was set up right in the middle of the square

 backdrop of the National Gallery

 around sunset, isn't it so pretty??

 soy sauce blow up thing 
 literally at the foot of the National Gallery

PS. stayed up late to watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and turns out all the commercials are British....

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